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Explore the data
Ocean plastics: Drowning in waste

Below you'll find some charts that are used in the Ocean plastics: Drowning in waste of Not the End of the World. Many of these charts are interactive so that you can explore this data over different periods, and for most countries in the world.


First, I'll list some best data sources that I used when writing this chapter, and go back to them for the most recent updates. They're some of the core datasets that we use on Our World in Data. This is not an exhaustive list – there are lots of others doing great work in this area.


Where to go to explore more:

Explore the Data

Here are some interactive versions of charts used in the book. I've also left some notes on the underlying data source, where you can explore the methodology and related metrics.


If you are using any of this data or the charts, please make sure to credit the underlying source (not me).

Global plastic production

The chart below shows global plastic production over time.


Source: The data source is a study by Geyer et al. (2017) and the OECD Global Plastics Outlook.


Explore more data on Plastic Pollution on Our World in Data.

Plastic use and mismanaged waste per person

The charts below show two metrics: first, plastic waste generated per person; second, mismanaged waste generated per person. Rich countries tend to generate more waste per person, but poor waste management means that mismanaged waste is much higher in low- and middle-income countries.


Source: The data sources are Jambeck et al. (2015) and Meijer et al. (2021).


Explore more data on Plastic Pollution on Our World in Data.

Plastic emitted to the ocean

The chart below shows estimates of each country's share of the world's plastics that enter the ocean via rivers.


Source: The data source is Meijer et al. (2021).


Explore more data on Plastic Pollution on Our World in Data.

Plastic waste trade

The chart below shows the amount of plastic waste that is imported to different regions, over time.


You can use the buttons at the top to see this data for specific countries, or switch to a map view of the chart.


You can explore data on plastic exports here.


Source: The data source is the United Nations Comtrade Database.


Explore more data on Plastic Pollution on Our World in Data.

Landfill, recycling and incineration rates

The chart below shows the share of plastic waste that is landfilled, recycled, incinerated, or mismanaged (which means its at risk of escaping into the surrounding environment).


You can explore this data for other regions using the buttons at the top.


Source: The data source is the OECD Global Plastics Outlook.


Explore more data on Plastic Pollution on Our World in Data.

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